(A)   All electrical equipment installed or used shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the state statutes and any orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof, and shall be in conformity with approved electrical standards for safety to persons and property, unless, by this chapter, by statute of the state, or by any orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof, a specific type or class of electrical equipment is disapproved for installation and use. Conformity with the standards of Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with approved standards for safety to persons and property.
   (B)   All installation of electric wiring within the city shall be made in metal conduit or armored cable; provided, however, that, in cases in which the Electrical Inspector is of the opinion that no danger to persons or property will result, he may by special permission authorize other approved methods of wiring.
(1967 Code, § 6-13) (Ord. passed 11-14-1966) Penalty, see § 151.99