§ 120.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person or business entity who violates any provision of § 120.01 shall be guilty of an infraction and, upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be subject to administrative assessment of civil penalties.
   (B)   Causing, permitting, aiding, abetting or concealing a violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a violation of the provision.
   (C)   Each day of violation is a separate infraction.
   (D)   Penalties for violations shall be as set forth for each offense for each day the violation continues in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code.
   (E)   In addition to any other remedies provided in this section, any violation of § 120.01 may be enforced by a civil action brought by the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Health. In such action, the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Health may seek, and the court shall grant, as appropriate, any or all of the following remedies:
      (1)   A temporary and/or permanent injunction;
      (2)   Assessment of the violator for costs of any investigation, inspection or monitoring survey that led to the establishment of the violation, including, but not limited to, reasonable costs of preparing the bringing of legal action under § 120.01 and attorney compensation; and
      (3)   Costs incurred in removing, correcting or terminating the adverse effects resulting from the violation.
(Ord. passed 10-23-2002; Ord. passed 8-19-2013)