During July 2004, and January of each even-numbered year thereafter, the Board shall select from among its members a chair and such other officers as it may desire.
(A) Secretary and record keeping. The City Clerk shall act as the secretary and record keeper for the Board.
(B) Meeting schedule. The Board shall meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
(C) Authority and actions of members. No member shall have any authority to act on behalf of the Board except pursuant to an order regularly made at a meeting of the Board.
(D) Quorum and voting requirements. Four members shall constitute a quorum and a concurrent vote of no fewer than four members shall be necessary for the transaction of business.
(E) Public meetings and public participation. All meetings, except executive sessions, as defined in the State Freedom of Information Act or any successor thereto, shall be public. At the start of each regularly scheduled public meeting, the Board shall allot a minimum of 15 minutes for public speaking, with a minimum of three minutes per speaker.
(F) Bylaws. The Board shall have the power to adopt its own bylaws for the conduct of its business in accordance with the provisions of this code.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2004)