For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AGENCY. Any agency, authority, board, commission or department of the City of Waterbury.
CHAIRPERSON. The chairperson of the Human Rights Commission.
COMMISSION. The Human Rights Commission of the City of Waterbury.
COMMISSIONER. A member of the Human Rights Commission, appointed pursuant to this subchapter.
COMPLAINANT. Any person alleging discrimination under the procedures described in this subchapter.
COURT. The superior court or any judge of the court.
DISCRIMINATION. Any act, policy or procedure forbidden by the state and Federal Civil Rights Statute that is applicable. The term shall mean any difference in treatment based on race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, and shall include segregation and separation.
EMPLOYEE. Any person employed by an employer, but shall not include any person employed by his parents, parents-in-law, spouse or child, or a person employed in the domestic service of another.
EMPLOYER. The City of Waterbury and the departments, agencies, commissions and officers thereof, and any person, business or corporation with three or more persons in his or its employ.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The executive officer of the Commission who directs the day to day planning and activities of the Commission and the operations of programs and policies developed by the Commissioners.
INVESTIGATOR. Any agent of the Commission, whether paid or unpaid, who is authorized by the Commission, or the Executive Director, to investigate charges filed under these rules.
ORDINANCE. This subchapter.
RESPONDENT. Any person charged with discrimination under these rules.
(1967 Code, § 2-47.1) (Ord. passed 3-10-1989)