In accordance with the provisions of § 6D-1 of the Charter of the city, there shall be an Environmental Control Commission.
(A) Membership. The Environmental Control Commission shall consist of seven members, no more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party. One member shall be a member of the Board of Aldermen who shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term corresponding to the member's immediate term as an Alderman.
(B) Appointments; term of office. No later than July 1, 2004, the Mayor shall appoint three members whose terms shall expire on December 31, 2007, and three members whose terms shall expire on December 31, 2005. At the expiration of their respective terms, their successors shall be appointed for a term of four years. The Aldermanic members shall be appointed as set forth above.
(C) No compensation. Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for any necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties within the limitations of appropriations.
(D) Organization of the Environmental Control Commission. During July 2004, and January of each even-numbered year thereafter, the Commission shall select from among its members a chair and such other officers as it may desire.
(1) Secretary and record keeping. The Commission shall appoint a secretary to be responsible for all correspondence and record keeping. The Secretary shall forward copies of all goings on of the Commission to the City Clerk.
(2) Meeting schedule. The Commission shall meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
(3) Authority and actions of members. No member shall have any authority to act on behalf of the Commission except pursuant to an order regularly made at a meeting of the Commission.
(4) Quorum and voting requirements. Four members shall constitute a quorum and a concurrent vote of no fewer than four members shall be necessary for the transaction of business.
(5) Public meetings and public participation. All meetings, except executive sessions, as defined in the State Freedom of Information Act or any successor thereto, shall be public. At the start of each regularly scheduled public meeting, the Commission shall allot a minimum of 15 minutes for public speaking, with a minimum of three minutes per speaker.
(6) Bylaws. The Commission shall have the power to adopt its own bylaws for the conduct of its business in accordance with the foregoing.
(E) Duties of the Commission. The Commission shall have the following powers, purposes, responsibilities and duties:
(1) Advise the Mayor and the public on matters affecting preservation, development and use of natural and man-made features and conditions of the city insofar as the beauty, quality, ecologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned, and in the case of man's activities and developments, with regard to any major threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the long range value of the environment to the people of the city;
(2) Develop and conduct a program of public information in the community which shall be designed to foster increased understanding of the nature of environmental problems and issues and support their solutions;
(3) Conduct studies, surveys and inventories of the natural and man-made features within the city and other studies and surveys as may be necessary to carry out the general purposes of the Commission;
(4) Advise on the use of all open places in public or private ownership within the municipality, including, but not limited to, natural and artificial landmarks, glacial and other geomorphic or physiographic features; streams and their floodplains; swamps. Marshlands and other wetlands; unique communities; scenic and other open areas of natural or ecological value; and of the ownership, present use and proposed use of the open areas so as to provide a base of information for recommendations by the Commission for their preservation or use;
(5) Represent the city at such hearings as may involve the environment of the city;
(6) Coordinate, assist and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions, individuals and city agencies as they relate to the environment of the city;
(7) Liaison and communicate with public and private agencies whose programs and activities have an impact on the environment or which can be of assistance to the Commission;
(8) Obtain and maintain maps, reports, books and other publications to support the necessary research of the Commission;
(9) Apply for grants and gifts, devises, bequests of both real and personal property on behalf of the city as may relate to the environment of the city;
(10) Carry out such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Mayor;
(11) Utilize the services of volunteers and, within available appropriations, make all necessary purchases;
(12) Educate the public as to the sources, types and measures of urban pollution and correction thereof and other hazards to the urban environment;
(13) Submit an annual report to the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen not later that February 15 of each year, concerning the activities and work of the Commission and from time to time, submit such reports and recommendations as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes of this part;
(14) Work with the appropriate agencies or departments of other municipalities in the state for the purpose of mutual assistance or coordination of educational activities;
(15) Adopt its own bylaws for the conduct of its business in accordance with the foregoing; and
(16) All other rights, powers and interest necessary for the completion of the Commission's duties.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2004)