(A)   When a condition, situation or problem arises which impedes the effective operation of the city government and which may be ameliorated or resolved by the assignment of an employee from one department to another department, from a classified position to another classified position, or from the classified service to the unclassified service, the Mayor may request the assignment.
   (B)   The Mayor shall submit the request for assignment in writing to the Civil Service Commission setting forth the reasons therefore. The request for assignment shall be effective upon approval by a majority vote of the Commission for a period to be determined by the Commission but not to exceed one year. The Mayor, subject to the approval of the Commission, may request extensions of the period of assignment.
   (C)   The assigned employee shall receive his normal rate of pay or the minimum rate of the range established for the position to which he is assigned, whichever is greater. The employee shall continue to receive, during the period of assignment, all the city benefits, rights and privileges inuring to the category or classification from which he was assigned. The employee shall continue to be governed by civil service rules and regulations during the period of assignment and shall be returned at the expiration of the assignment period to the position from which he was assigned. Experience gained in an assigned position shall receive no credit in the experience and training part of any civil service examination or credited toward the minimum qualifications.
(Ord. passed 12-22-2003; Ord. passed 3-7-2005)