As set forth in § 6B-4(c)(4) of the Charter of the city, there shall be the following credit allowances on all civil service examinations and appointments.
   (A)   American veterans and disabled American veterans. As set forth by the Charter of the city a preference of five points for American veterans and ten points for disabled American veterans shall be provided on all examinations in classified service. The qualifications and the maximum allowable allowance are set forth in the general statutes.
   (B)   City residents. The minimum credit allowance as set forth in the Charter of the city. City residents shall receive a ten point credit allowance on civil service examinations for entry level positions, which shall include entry level Firefighter and Maintainer 1.
   (C)   Entry level positions, applicable to said credit allowance shall be designated and posted by the Human Resource Director. Thereafter, the proposed designation as posted by the Director of Human Resources shall be submitted to the Civil Service Commission for approval of the characterization as “entry level” with consideration given to the applicable job description and other relevant factors and shall include entry level Firefighter and Maintainer 1.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2011; Ord. passed 2-22-2016; Ord. passed 8-21-2017; Ord. 3-9-2020)