For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPOINTING AUTHORITY. The term used to designate a person or group of persons having the authority to make appointments to positions in the classified services of the city as prescribed in the Charter, ordinances or state law.
   AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Person or organization designated by the employee to represent him.
   CERTIFICATION. Process whereby an individual is formally designated and ranked in accordance with the provisions hereof and the regulations pertaining hereto.
   CLASS CODE. A number assigned to each title to identify it.
   CLASS SERIES. A number of classes of positions, which are substantially similar as to the types of work involved and differ only in rank as determined by the importance of the duties and degree of responsibility involved and the amount of training and experience required.
   CLASS SPECIFICATION. A written description of a class consisting of a class title, a general statement of the level of work, a statement of the distinguishing features of work, some examples of work and the minimum qualifications for the class.
   CLASSIFICATION. The grouping of like positions in regard to:
      (1)   Duties performed and responsibilities;
      (2)   Requirements as to education, knowledge and experience and ability;
      (3)   Tests of fitness; and
      (4)   Ranges of pay.
      (1)   Generally. The official or approved system of grouping positions into appropriate classes, including:
         (a)   A schematic index to the class specifications;
         (b)   The class specifications; and
         (c)   Rules for administering the classification plan.
      (2)   Position. A group of currently assigned duties and responsibilities requiring the full or part-time employment of one person. A position may be occupied or vacant.
      (3)   Class. A group of positions (or one position) that:
         (a)   Has similar duties and responsibilities;
         (b)   Requires like qualifications; and
         (c)   Can be equitably compensated by the same salary range.
      (4)   Class title. The official designation or name of the class as stated in the class specification. It shall be used on all personnel records and actions.
   CLASSIFIED SERVICE. All positions present and future unless specifically placed in the unclassified service by the Charter of the city or this code of ordinances or by any future amendments.
   COMMISSION. The Civil Service Commission of the City of Waterbury.
   COMPENSATION. The standard rates of pay which have been established for the respective classes of work, as set forth in the Compensation Plan.
   COMPENSATION PLAN. The official schedule of pay approved by the Civil Service Commission and the Board of Aldermen assigning one or more rates of pay to each class title, arranged schematically by classes of positions.
   COMPENSATORY LEAVE. Time off in lieu of monetary payment for overtime worked.
   COMPETITIVE PROMOTION. A promotion, based on a competitive examination, with appointment to a higher-level position for those eligible as set forth in this chapter of the code and the regulations promulgated pursuant hereto.
   CONTINUOUS SERVICE. Employment without interruption, except for absences on approved leaves or absences to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States.
   CITY. Waterbury, Connecticut.
   DEMOTION. Assignment of an employee from one class to another that has a lower maximum rate of pay. See REDUCTION IN RANK.
   DEPARTMENT. A subordinate branch of the city government.
   DEPARTMENT HEADS AND DESIGNATED MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. The positions of Department Head and Designated Management Employees are more specifically set forth, as follows:
      (1)   DEPARTMENT HEAD.
         (a)   The Director of Finance (Chief Financial Officer);
         (b)   Director of Information Services (a/k/a Information Technology Director);
         (c)   The Director of Purchasing (Purchasing Agent);
         (d)   The Director of Personnel (a/k/a Director of Human Resources);
         (e)   The City Assessor;
         (f)   The Superintendent of Police;
         (g)   The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department;
         (h)   The Health Officer (a/k/a Public Health Director);
         (i)   The Building Official (a/k/a the "Building Inspector");
         (j)   The Superintendent of Schools;
         (k)   The City Auditor;
         (l)   Director of Public Works; and
         (m)   Any other department head set forth in this Charter or ordinances.
         (a)   The Library Director;
         (b)   The City Planner;
         (c)   The Inspector of School Buildings;
         (d)   The Superintendent of Water Works; and
         (e)   The Superintendent of Waste Disposal.
   DISABLED VETERAN. Any veteran with a service connected disability so rated by the Veterans' Administration.
   DISMISSAL. Separation from city employment for cause.
   ELIGIBLE. A person who has successfully met required qualifications for a particular class.
   ELIGIBLE LIST. Process whereby the Director of Human Resources formally establishes a list that designates the individuals who have achieved the necessary ranking to be certified to the appointing authority.
   EMPLOYEE. An individual who is legally employed by the city and is compensated through the city payroll for his services. Individuals or groups compensated as independent contractors shall not be included.
   EXAMINATION. The process of testing, evaluating or investigating the fitness and qualifications of applicants.
   GARNISHMENT. A legal order for the assignment of an employee's wages to a creditor.
   INCUMBENT. An employee occupying a position in the city service.
   LAY-OFF. The separation of an employee from a position to which he was legally certified and appointed as a result of the abolition of a position, lack of work or lack of funds.
   LEAVE. An approved absence from work.
   LONGEVITY PAY INCREMENT. An increase in compensation established in the compensation plan as a reward for long and faithful service.
   NON-COMPETITIVE. Positions that are filled without competitive examination.
   OPEN-COMBINED LIST. A list that is created when there are less than three internal candidates on a promotional list, which includes the remaining eligible internal candidates and the eligible external candidates.
   OPEN EXAMINATION. An examination, open to the public and not limited to applicants in the city service.
   OVERTIME PAY. Compensation paid to an employee for overtime work performed.
   PAY GRADE. A combination letter and number symbol indicating the pay range of a class of positions.
   PAY RANGE. One or more specific pay rates having a constant percentage relationship to one another, assigned to a class of positions as the compensation for that class.
   PAY RATE. A specific dollar amount, expressed as either an annual rate, a monthly rate or an hourly rate, as shown in the compensation plan of the city.
   PERMANENT POSITION. A position created without intent of limitation, which will exist for at least one year.
   POSITION. Any office or employment, whether occupied or vacant, full time or part time, consisting of duties and responsibilities assigned to one individual by competent authority.
   POSITION NUMBER. A number assigned each position by the department head from a block of numbers assigned by the Director of Human Resources for purposes of identification.
   PROBATIONARY PERIOD. The working test or trial period of employment beginning with the date of appointment to a particular class.
   PROMOTION. Assignment of an employee from one class to another which has a higher maximum rate of pay.
   PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION. A competitive examination restricted to persons who are on regular appointment in the city classified service or to persons who are eligible to reinstatement thereto.
   QUALIFICATIONS. The minimum educational, experience and personal requirements which must be fulfilled by a person preliminary to appointment or promotion.
   REASSIGNMENT. The assignment of an employee without examination from one position to a position of a different class of the same rank.
   REDUCTION IN RANK. The assignment of an employee from one class to another which has a lower maximum rate of pay. See DEMOTION.
   RE-EMPLOYMENT LIST. A list of names of persons laid off arranged in order of their right to re-employment.
   REGULAR APPOINTMENT. An appointment to a permanent position authorized to be filled and made as a result of a certification as prescribed by the code of ordinances or the regulations hereunder.
   REINSTATEMENT. Reappointment of a former employee after a break in service to the former position or one of similar nature.
   SEPARATION. Leaving a position including resignation, retirement, lay-off, dismissal, disability and death.
   SUSPENSION. An enforced leave of absence for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation of charges made against an employee.
   TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE. An individual whose appointment to a position is of a limited duration, as set forth herein.
   TRANSFER. Assignment of an employee from one position to another position. TRANSFERS can take place within a department, between departments between positions of the same pay range, between positions of different pay ranges, between positions of the same class or between positions of different classes.
   UNASSEMBLED EXAMINATION. An examination in which qualifications are evaluated on the basis of records of education and experience submitted by the applicants, supplemented by any information obtained by an investigation.
   UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. Positions not included in the classified service as defined by this ordinance and the regulations hereunder.
   VACANCY. A position which has been newly established or which has been rendered vacant by the resignation, death or other removal of the previous incumbent.
   WORK DAY. Scheduled number of hours an employee is required to work per day.
   WORK WEEK. The number of days in any seven day period an employee is scheduled to work.
(Ord. passed 12-22-2003; Ord. passed 5-6-2013)