For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATOR. The person(s), city department or agency designated by the Mayor of the city with the responsibility of overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this subchapter.
   APPRENTICE. Definition as set forth in Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-22m and any subsequent amendments approved by the Connecticut General Assembly is incorporated by reference herein.
   BASIC SKILLED WORKER. A person who is currently enrolled in or having completed a training program administered by or on behalf of a legally organized labor union or a state-approved standardized craft training program. Specifically excluded from this definition is an APPRENTICE as defined by Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-22m.
   CITY. The City of Waterbury, Connecticut.
   CITY FUNDS. Funds originating within the city pursuant to the city’s taxing powers or authority to raise money through the sale of public bonds, permit tax abatements and enter into tax fixing agreements and tax increment financing agreements.
   CONSTRUCTION. The process of building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any public infrastructure facility, including any public structure, public building or other public improvements of any kind to city property or other property or space in which the city has an interest. It does not include the routine operation, routine repair or routine maintenance of any existing public infrastructure facility, including structures, buildings or real property.
   CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Any project for which the primary purpose involves construction, as defined above, deconstruction, the remediation of any hazardous materials as defined in the Connecticut General Statutes, the rehabilitation or renovation of any structure or the creation, extension, reconstruction, reconditioning or rebuilding of any portion of a municipal infrastructure or public utility system.
   CONTRACTOR. Any person hired by the city, directly or indirectly through an owner, to perform construction work on covered projects, including subcontractors hired by general contractors.
   COVERED PROJECT. Any construction project taking place in the city with a value of $500,000 or greater, funded in whole or in part by city funds or funds administered by the city in accordance with federal or state grant or loan programs or any other federal or state programs pursuant to which the city is funding, in whole or in part, the project. This definition of COVERED PROJECT shall include funds derived from the aforementioned federal or state grant, loan or other programs only to the extent permitted by federal and state law. The value of the projects shall equal the total consideration to be paid to all contractors stated in each contract pursuant to which contractors are performing construction work on covered projects.
   FIRST-SOURCE REFERRAL PROGRAM. A program whose purpose includes but is not limited to, job training and the referral of qualified residents to contractors. The FIRST-SOURCE REFERRAL PROGRAM shall use the Good Jobs umbrella coalition of community groups and churches as a priority source for recruitment.
   GOOD JOBS ADMINISTRATION BUDGET. The amount of funding required to oversee the implementation and enforcement of this subchapter in a given fiscal year.
   HIRING GOAL. The 30% of the total worker hours on each covered project shall be performed by residents. At least 25% of construction trade jobs shall go to apprentices and/or basic skilled workers. At least 70% of all “new hires” (those workers hired by a contractor on a project, other than existing employees and those referred by union hiring halls with prior seniority in the case of a union job) shall be “economically disadvantaged” individuals, defined as those earning less than 150% of the poverty line at the time of application. A minimum of 5% of the construction workforce labor hours will be local resident, minority artisans. A minimum of 5% of the construction workforce labor hours will be women. A minimum of 10% of the total work hours shall be allocated for minorities. Contractors are expected to employ a workforce that represents the population of the city.
   LIAISON COMMITTEE. The committee established by the Board of Aldermen to monitor compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, and make recommendations to the Administrator and the Board of Aldermen regarding administration of this subchapter. The committee shall convene at a minimum of once every quarter in a space open to the public. The committee shall be comprised of two representatives of the Board of Aldermen one to be appointed by the President of the Board of Aldermen and one to be appointed by the Minority Leader on the Board of Aldermen, one representative from the Board of Education to be appointed by the President of the Board of Education, one representative of the Workforce Development Board, and five representatives who are appointed by the Board of Aldermen to represent: one contractor, one union, one civil rights group, one community and one Human Rights Commission. The committee members shall serve for a term of two years, and this nomination and selection process shall be used to fill any vacancy.
   NEW HIRE. Those workers hired by a contractor on a project, other than existing employees, and those referred by union hiring halls with prior seniority in the case of a union job.
   OWNER. The person who enters into a contract with a contractor for work on a covered project other than the city.
   PERSON. An individual or a company, partnership, foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity.
   RESIDENT. Any person whose domicile is the City of Waterbury, Connecticut.
   ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Simple, small-scale activities (usually requiring only minimal skills or training) planned and performed at regular intervals and being necessary to (1) extend the life of, or to delay or prevent the premature failure of, any plant or system or of any structure or structural system, building component or equipment; or (2) protect against normal wear and tear; or (3) maintain a suitable aesthetic appearance. Examples of ROUTINE MAINTENANCE may include, but are not limited to, lawn or grass cutting, hedge trimming, painting, caulking, sealing, plumbing or electrical repairs, carpet cleaning or other cleaning performed at regular intervals.
   SUBCONTRACTOR. Any person hired by a contractor to perform construction work on covered projects.
(Ord. passed 2-21-2012; Ord. passed 8-19-2013; Ord. passed 5-11-2015)