The system of numbering houses and buildings within the city hereinafter set out is hereby established. Each square shall have allotted to it 100 numbers; Meridian Street shall be the base line from which the numbers shall extend east and west therefrom, the squares adjoining Meridian Street shall have allotted to then numbers from 1 to 100, and squares between East First and E ast Second Streets shall have numbers from 100 to 200 inclusive, and the like, east and west from Meridian Street. All even numbers shall be on the north and east side of streets, and all odd numbers shall be on the south and west sides of the streets, and each space of ground for a single number shall not be less than 20 feet front upon any street. And, in case of a break in the line of any street, the numbering shall recommence beyond the break with the same numbers that would have been assigned had the street line been continued and unbroken.
(Prior Code, § 97.70)