(A)   All sidewalks constructed within the city, on each side of Main Street from the east side of East Fifth Street to the east side of West Seventh Street shall extend from the property line to the curb, or a full width of 10 feet.
   (B)   On all streets running north and south form the east side of East Fourth Street to the west side of East First Street and from the north side of Van Trees Street to north side of the north track of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company's road, except on both sides of East Fourth Street from South Street to the railroad track, sidewalks shall extend from the curb to the property line.
   (C)   On all other streets and parts of streets of a greater width than 40 feet, the sidewalk shall be not less than 5 feet; and on all streets 40 feet or less in width, the sidewalk shall not be less than 4 feet wide.
(Prior Code, § 97.41) Penalty, see § 10.99