It shall be the responsibility of every owner, lessee or occupant of any premises abutting or bordering upon any street in the city to remove, or cause to be removed, all snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of the premises. The city shall have no liability for snow or ice removal on private property.
(Prior Code, § 97.02) (Am. Ord. 12-2013, passed 7-8-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person or persons shall throw or cause to be thrown or deposited in any of the squares, streets or alleys within the city, any vegetables, meat or filth, or the carcasses of any dead animal, or straw, melon rinds or other substances where any square, street or alley shall be rendered filthy.
(Prior Code, § 97.03) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, place or stand any signs, temporarily or permanently, between the property line and the curb line on any public street. The Board of Public Works and Safety shall cause any unauthorized signs to be removed.
(Prior Code, § 97.04) Penalty, see § 10.99
The construction or maintenance of any drainpipe, attached to the wall of any building in the city for the purpose of disposing of water falling upon the roof of the building, and which empties the water upon the surface of the sidewalk in front of the building is prohibited unless the property owner has no viable alternative.
(Prior Code, § 97.06) (Am. Ord. 12-2013, passed 7-8-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99
All owners of real property abutting upon any street upon which there are located improved sidewalks are to keep sidewalks in front of their respective properties clean and free from earth, dirt, rubbish or other obstructions which may accumulate.
(Prior Code, § 97.15) Penalty, see § 10.99