A.   The planning staff shall be the land use authority to hear and act on the following land use applications:
      1.   Lot line adjustments between two fit property owners or one owner on two fit lots where no hearings are required. This would include lot line adjustments in which no easements need to be vacated or relocated.
      2.   Permits regarding the transportation of mobile and manufactured homes.
      3.   For short term rental of residential dwellings, the acceptance of applications, issuance of licenses, and revocation of licenses.
      4.   Final subdivision plans and plats for single family, two-family, or townhouse development.
   5.   Those uses specifically delegated to the planning staff in these ordinances or by the Washington County commission.
   B.   The planning commission shall be the land use authority to hear and act on the following land use applications:
      1.   All land use applications except those items for which the planning staff or county commission is expressly designated as the land use authority.
      2.   Any item which the planning staff is the land use authority and on which the planning staff feels that a public meeting should be held to ensure that citizens have the opportunity to comment on the application.
      3.   Preliminary subdivision applications and preliminary plats for single-family, two-family, or townhouse development.
      4.   All other preliminary subdivision applications and preliminary plats (not single-family, two-family. or townhouse development).
      5.   Any other items delegated to the planning commission in these ordinances by the Washington County Commission.
   C.   The planning commission shall be a recommending body to the county commission for the following, and the county commission is the land use authority for the following:
      1.   General plan approvals or amendments.
      2.   Land use ordinance amendments (formerly the zoning ordinance).
      3.   Amendments to the zoning map, zone changes.
      4.   All other final subdivision plats (not single family, two-family, or townhouse development).
      5.   Subdivision ordinance amendments. (Ord. 2012-1026-O, 12-18-2012; amd. Ord. 2014-1042-O, 11-18-2014; Ord. 2022-1205-O, 3-15-2022; Ord. 2024-1251-O, 2-25-2024)