8-1-8: BIDDING:
   A.   Each person desiring to bid must preregister with the Washington County clerk/auditor's office beginning at eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. on the morning of the tax sale by filling out a "bidder registration" form, or in accordance with the online auction provider's terms and conditions. For the in person auction, Tthe clerk/auditor will issue each bidder a bidder number. No individual may bid without a bidder number. For the online auction, each bidder shall comply with the online auction provider's requirements for bidders.
   B.   The clerk/auditor or the online auction provider will conduct the bidding. The minimum acceptable bid is the sum of taxes, penalties, interest and administrative fee owed on the property. No property will be sold for less than the minimum acceptable bid. The clerk/auditor or the online auction provider will determine bid increments. For an online auction a buyer's fee also will be added to the sale price.
   C.   Each parcel will be sold to the highest bidder, except all bids shall be considered conditional until accepted by the County Commission.
   D.   For an in person auction, Aat the apparent conclusion of bidding for each parcel, the clerk/auditor will identify the highest bidder and the bid amount. Before closing the bidding, the clerk/auditor will call for any further bids. After it is apparent that there are no further bids, the clerk/auditor will close the bidding and award the parcel to the highest bidder.
   E.   Bids may not be withdrawn. Washington County may enforce the terms of the bid by obtaining a judgment against the bidder in the amount of the bid, plus interest and attorney fees.
   F.   There will be no preferential sales or bids.
   G.   Any property offered for sale for which there is no purchaser will be struck off to the county pursuant to Utah law. (Ord. 2005-885-O, 8-23-2005; amd. Ord. 2023-1232-O, 4-18-2023)