As used in this chapter:
APPLICANT: Any individual, natural human being, partnership, corporation, firm, company, association, or group that requests a special permit.
ASSEMBLE: For participants to gather in one place or for participants to traverse from a starting point to a finishing point.
ENDURANCE EVENT: A prolonged athletic event that has a course that is one mile in distance or longer. Endurance events include, but are not limited to, marathons, triathlons, 5K or 10K races, and cycling century.
MAJOR EVENT: An event in which two hundred fifty (250) or more participants will take part.
MINOR EVENT: An event in which less than two hundred fifty (250) participants will take part.
PARTICIPANT: Someone who takes part in the activity for which the special event takes place, e.g., a runner in a marathon or a bicyclist in bicycle relay. This term does not include spectators, volunteers, or officials.
SPECIAL EVENT: Any gathering of one hundred (100) or more individuals. Events include, but are not limited to, endurance events, carnivals, circuses, concerts, revivals, flea markets or swap meets, craft fairs, parades, or farmers' markets. (Ord. 2014-1037-O, 5-6-2014)