A.   Number Of Members: The Southern Utah Shooting Sports Park Advisory Board shall consist of nine (9) members as follows:
      1.   The majority of the Advisory Board shall be affiliated with at least one venue operating within the park.
      2.   All board positions shall be appointed by the County Commission.
      3.   The Southern Utah Shooting Sports Park Manager shall not be a member of the board.
   B.   County Residents: All board members shall be residents of Washington County.
   C.   Terms: Board members shall be appointed to serve four-year terms, or until their successors are appointed. Initially, terms may be for a shorter duration to ensure staggered terms.
   D.   Removal: The County Commission may remove any board member for misconduct or neglect of duty.
   E.   Vacancies: Vacancies created by resignation, death, removal, or otherwise shall be filled for the duration of the unexpired term. (Ord. 2017-1098-O, 8-15-2017)