The council on aging is hereby established to assist and advise the county commission and the county council on aging program director to:
   A.   Promote and develop programs of interest and to provide for the welfare of senior citizens;
   B.   Cooperate with the five (5) county association of governments and other public and private agencies on the local, state and national levels, to more effectively meet the needs of and provide opportunities for older persons;
   C.   Provide educational, recreational and social activities for senior citizens;
   D.   Provide volunteer and service opportunities to senior citizens;
   E.   Foster positive public relations on behalf of senior citizens and the county's senior programs; and
   F.   Develop funding and other resources at the local, state and national level to provide services to senior citizens. (Ord. 718, 9-18-2000, eff. 9-21-2000)