For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DISTRICT OF REGISTRATION. Shall be determined as follows:
(1) In case the motor vehicle to be registered is used for hire or principally in connection with any established business or branch business, conducted at a particular place, the district of registration is the municipal corporation in which such place is located, or, if not located in any municipal corporation, the county and township in which such place is located.
(2) In case such vehicle is not so used, the district of registration is the municipal corporation or county in which the owner resides at the time of making the application.
MOTOR VEHICLE. All vehicles included within the definition of motor vehicle in R.C. §§ 4501.01 and 4505.01 and also includes motorized bicycles.
MUNICIPAL MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE TAX. A tax imposed by a municipal corporation pursuant to this subchapter.
REGISTRAR. The registrar of motor vehicles as provided in R.C. § 4501.02.
(‘73 Code, § 193.01) (Ord. 28-87, passed 8-26-87)