Operation Generally
   72.001   Driving upon right side of roadway; exceptions
   72.002   Passing to right when proceeding in opposite directions
   72.003   Overtaking, passing to left; driver’s duties
   72.004   Overtaking and passing upon right
   72.005   Overtaking, passing to left of center
   72.006   Additional restrictions on driving upon left side of roadway
   72.007   Hazardous or no passing zones
   72.008   Driving in marked lanes or continuous lines of traffic
   72.009   Following too closely
   72.010   Turning at intersections
   72.011   Turning into private driveway, alley or building
   72.012   “U” turns restricted
   72.013   Starting and backing vehicles
   72.014   Signals before changing course, turning or stopping
   72.015   Hand and arm signals
   72.016   Right-of-way at intersections
   72.0161   Right-of-way at alley junctions
   72.017   Right-of-way when turning left
   72.018   Operation of vehicle at yield signs
   72.019   Operation of vehicle at stop signs
   72.020   Emergency or public safety vehicles at stop signals or signs
   72.021   Right-of-way of public safety vehicle
   72.022   Driving onto roadway from place other than roadway: duty to yield
   72.023   Driving onto roadway from place other than roadway: stopping at sidewalk
   72.024   Right-of-way of funeral procession
   72.025   Driver’s view and control to be unobstructed by load or persons
   72.026   Driving upon street posted as closed
   72.027   Following an emergency or public vehicle prohibited; approaching stationary public safety vehicle and certain other vehicles with caution
   72.028   Driving over fire hose
   72.029   Driving through safety zone
   72.030   One-way streets and rotary traffic islands
   72.031   Driving upon divided roadways
   72.032   Entering and exiting controlled-access highway
   72.033   Obstructing intersection, crosswalk or grade crossing
   72.034   Failure to control; weaving; full time and attention
   72.035   Occupying travel trailer, fifth wheel vehicle, or manufactured or mobile home while in motion
   72.036   Squealing tires, “peeling”, cracking exhaust noises
   72.037   Driving upon sidewalks, street lawns or curbs
   72.038   Stopping for school bus; discharging children
   72.039   Driving across grade crossing
   72.040   Stopping at grade crossing
   72.041   Driving in parks
   72.042   Littering from motor vehicle
   72.043   Operation restricted for mini-trucks and low-speed, under-speed, or utility vehicles
   72.044   Operating motor vehicle while wearing earphones or earplugs
   72.045   Certain children to be secured in child restraint system; exceptions
   72.046   Occupant restraining devices
   72.047   Presenting false name or information to law enforcement officer
   72.048   Immobilizing or disabling device violation
   72.049   Text-based communication while driving prohibited
   72.050   Texting while driving prohibited
   72.051   Use of electronic wireless communication devices by minors or probationary drivers while driving prohibited
Intoxication; Reckless Operation; Speed
   72.055   Driving or physical control while under the influence; evidence
   72.056   Operation in willful or wanton disregard of safety
   72.057   Reckless operation on streets, public or private property
   72.058   Maximum speed limits; assured clear distance ahead
   72.059   Slow speed; posted minimum speeds
   72.060   Speed limitations over bridges
   72.061   Speed exceptions for emergency or safety vehicles
   72.062   Street racing prohibited
   72.063   Operation without reasonable control
   72.064   Chemical tests for determining alcoholic content of blood
   72.065   Physical control of vehicle while under the influence
   72.075   Failure to stop after accident
   72.076   Stopping after accident on other than public roads or highways
   72.077   Vehicle accident resulting in damage to realty
Commercial and Heavy Vehicles
   72.090   Oversize or overweight vehicle operation on state routes; state permit
   72.091   Use of local streets; local permit and conditions
   72.092   Maximum width, height and length
   72.093   Route and load information
   72.094   Wheel protectors
   72.095   Vehicles transporting explosives
   72.096   Towing requirements
   72.097   Loads dropping or leaking; removal required; tracking mud
   72.098   Shifting load; loose loads
   72.099   Vehicles with spikes, lugs and chains
   72.100   Use of studded tires and chains
   72.101   Driving commercial vehicle with impaired alertness or ability; use of drugs