(A) Street names.
(1) New streets. Whenever any new street is planned for construction in the city it will be the duty of the owner or owners to obtain the correct street name as designated by the city and to erect the proper sign when the street is constructed.
(2) Existing streets. All streets maintained by the city will be named. Private streets will be named if they provide access to two or more properties.
(B) Addressing.
(1) Assignment of addresses to new principal buildings. Whenever any principal dwelling or building is erected or located in the city subsequent to the effective date of this chapter, it will be the duty of the owner or owners to obtain the correct address as designated by the city for the property, and to immediately attach number or numbers to the building as provided by this chapter. No building permit shall be issued for any dwelling or building until the owner has obtained the official address from the city.
(2) Posting of address on new principal buildings. Final approval of any major structure erected, altered, repaired, or modified, after six months from the effective date of this ordinance shall be withheld until proper address numbers have been assigned by the city and affixed on said structure as outlined in this chapter.
(3) Posting of addresses on existing principal buildings. The Council of the city shall require all owners of existing principal dwellings or buildings, by adoption of this chapter, to post the assigned address numbers in the manner outlined in this chapter within six months subsequent to the receipt of their proper address; but not later than June 1, 2000.
(4) Posting of addresses at existing collective developments. All mobile home parks, apartment developments, office parks, and condominium developments shall post the assigned address numbers in the number outlined in this chapter within 90 days of notification of their appropriate address.
(Ord. 63-99, passed 11-10-99) Penalty, see § 98.99