(A)   Area and dimensions - parking spaces.
Minimum Width (Measured in Feet Parallel to Aisle)
Minimum Length (Feet)
Maneuvering Lane Width (Feet)
Parallel parking
30-53° angle parking
54-74° angle parking
75-90° angle parking
   (B)   Area and dimensions - loading spaces. Loading spaces shall conform to the following minimum requirements:
Length (Feet)
Width (Feet)
Height Clearance (Feet)
   (C)   Access. All off-street parking and loading areas provided in accordance with this section shall have direct access to a publicly dedicated and improved street or alley.
   (D)   Surfacing. All off-street parking and loading areas shall be properly graded, drained, marked and surfaced so as to provide a hard, durable and dust-free surface. All off-street parking and loading areas located in front yard setbacks, serving other single family residential uses, shall be paved with asphalt, Portland concrete, brick, or other material.
   (E)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking or loading area shall be so arranged as to reflect light away from any adjoining premises in any zoning district where residences are a permitted use. In addition, such lighting shall be so arranged as to not interfere with traffic on any adjoining street or to be confused with any traffic control lighting.
   (F)   Location of parking and loading spaces.  
      (1)   Proximity to street right-of-way.
         (a)   For single- and two-family residential uses, no off-street parking space (or portion thereof) shall he located closer than five feet to any established street right-of-way line.
         (b)   In the R-3 and RO Districts, no off-street parking space, or portion thereof, shall be located closer than 25 feet to any established street right-of-way line.
         (c)   In all other districts, a five-foot clear zone shall be maintained between the street right-of-way line, and any vehicle. Parking areas shall he so designed and arranged as to not allow the protruding of any vehicle (or portion thereof) over the clear zone.
      (2)   Proximity to use.  
         (a)   In the R, RO, CF, LI and GE Districts, required parking and loading spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the principal use which they serve.
         (b)   In the B-3 District, required parking and loading spaces shall be provided either on the same lot, or within 100 feet of the principal use which they serve.
         (c)   In the B-1 and B-2 Districts, required parking spaces may be located within 300 feet of the use they serve.
      (3)   Joint provision of parking facilities. Two or more buildings or uses located in the same area may meet parking and loading requirements by the joint provision of parking and loading facilities, provided those facilities are located so as to meet the requirements of this section, and the number of spaces so provided shall not be less than the sum of required spaces as per § 156.099 of this chapter. A written agreement between the parties, stating the terms under which the proposed parking shall be developed and maintained, shall be filed with the application for a zoning permit. Such agreement may be submitted by the Building and Zoning Inspector to the City Law Director for review and comment prior to issuance of a zoning permit.
(Ord. 34-90, passed 12-26-90)