(A)   Parking spaces shall be provided according to the following schedule of uses. If a use consists of more than one component use (such as, a school with a stadium) the required number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the required spaces for those component uses.
Number of Uses
Number of Uses
   One- or two-family residence
Two per dwelling unit
   Multiple family units
Two per dwelling unit
   Institutional housing
One per three occupants plus one for each employee for main work shift
   Softball, baseball, football, soccer or similar organized sport playfield
20 for each playfield, plus one for each six seats in stands
   Tennis, handball, or racketball courts
Three for each court
   Bowling alleys
Five per lane plus necessary spaces as required for affiliated uses, such as restaurants
   Community swimming pools
One per 75 square feet of total water surface
   Theaters, stadium or sports arenas, auditorium or other assembly halls other than schools
One for each four seats
   Churches and other places of public worship
One for each five seats in main auditorium
   Public or private school
Three for each classroom or one for each five seats in main auditorium, whichever is greater
   Nursery school/day care
One for each 15 students of proposed capacity
   Libraries, museums, community centers
One for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
   Civic, social, fraternal organizations
One for each three persons allowed under maximum occupancy of main meeting room
   Hospitals, nursing facilities
One for each four beds plus one per employee on main shift
   Food, department or general merchandise, hardware, drugs, and similar retail sales
One for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
   Home furnishings, appliances, apparel, and similar retail sales
One for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
   Eating and drinking establishments without drive through facilities
One for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
   Restaurants with drive through facilities
One for each 75 square feet of gross floor area, plus additional spaces in the drive-through lanes equal to 25% of the required number of parking spaces
   Personal services, including banks, savings and loans, repair services without drive-through facilities
One for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Banks, savings and loans and similar uses with drive-through facilities
One for each 200 square feet of gross floor area plus additional spaces in all drive-through lane equal to 80% of the required number of parking spaces
   Barber and beauty shops
Two for each work station
   Gasoline service stations
Two for each service bay plus one for each two gasoline dispensing units, plus one for each employee during main shift
   Self-serve laundries
One for each three washers
   Automobile sales and service
One for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
   Retail shopping centers
One for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus one for each three persons allowed under maximum occupancy in any theater or place of assembly
   Temporary outdoor sales
One for each 200 square feet of area devoted to display and sales of goods
   Hotels, motels, lodging houses
One for each sleeping room or suite, plus one for each employee during main shift
   Funeral homes
One for each 50 square feet of gross floor area
   Medical or dental offices
Five for each doctor or dentist, plus one for each other employee during main work shift
   Animal hospitals/clinics, veterinarian office
Four for each veterinarian
   Professional, administrative and business offices
One for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
   Commercial and business support services
One for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
   Manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling, packaging or treating of goods; warehousing, distribution and service industries
Two for each three employees during work shift having greatest number of employees, plus one for each vehicle maintained on the premises
   (B)   Other uses. The Planning Commission shall determine the number of parking spaces required for any use not mentioned in this section.
   (C)   Provisions of parking for non-residential uses in the B-2 (Downtown Business) District. The B-2 (Downtown Business) District contains small lots and is served by on-street parking. For these reasons, special regulations are justified in this district. For non-residential uses located within the B-2 District, only 30% of the required spaces as specified in this division A of this section must be provided.
(Ord. 34-90, passed 12-26-90) Penalty, see § 156.999