(A)   Permitted  uses. Within the R - Residential District, the following uses are permitted:
      (1)   Dwellings: one-family, two-family;
      (2)   Public parks, playgrounds;
      (3)   Conversion of any existing building to a permitted use;
      (4)   Agricultural uses as permitted in § 152.048(A); and
      (5)   Customary accessory uses including, in particular: home occupations; advertising the sale or rental of the land or buildings upon which it is located; a nameplate not exceeding two square feet in area; which may include reference to a home occupation conducted on the premises. No accessory building shall be used for residence purposes unless it meets the front, rear, and side yard requirements of a principal building, and the maximum permitted density is not exceeded.
   (B)   Regulations and standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot size. Each zoning lot shall have an area of at least 9,000 square feet, a lot width of at least 75 feet, and a lot depth of at least 100 feet.
      (2)   Maximum density. The number of dwelling units per lot shall not exceed the lot area in square feet divided by 2,250 square feet. Fractional dwelling units resulting from this computation shall not be counted nor rounded upward to the next higher whole number.
      (3)   Maximum coverage. The amount of the total lot area which may be covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 30%.
      (4)   Required yards. On every interior lot, a front yard, a rear yard, and two side yards are required. On every corner lot, a front yard for each lot side abutting a street, a side yard, and a rear yard are required. In the case where a lot abuts three streets, three front yards and a side yard are required. Yard dimensions shall be equal to or greater than the following.
         (a)   Front yard depth where a lot abuts a major street, as designated on the zoning map, shall be 70 feet from the centerline of such right-of-way, but not less than 30 feet from the right-of-way line. Where a lot abuts a collector or a minor street as designated on the zoning map, the minimum depth of a front yard shall be 55 feet from the centerline but not less than 25 feet from the right-of-way line. If the building is to be constructed in an established block where there are existing buildings, the yard depth shall be the average of the yard depths of two buildings, one on either side.
         (b)   Side yard width shall be ten feet or greater. No accessory buildings shall project into the required side yard space.
         (c)   Rear yard depth shall be not less than 25 feet. Accessory buildings may be erected in a rear yard, provided they are located at least three feet from the rear or side lot lines, and provided further that the maximum lot coverage is not exceeded.
      (5)   Maximum building height. Except as provided in § 152.029, no principal building shall exceed 30 feet in height, and no accessory building shall exceed 15 feet in height.
      (6)   Off-street parking space. All uses shall be provided with off-street parking spaces according to the following schedule:
         (a)   Dwelling units. One off-street parking space per unit, such parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or tract as the dwelling unit served; and
         (b)   Other permitted uses. One off-street parking space per person normally employed on the lot or tract of land. Any such off-street parking space or spaces located in the R - Residential District shall not be located in the required front yard, nor more than 150 feet from such lot served.
(1977 Code, § 5-4)  (Ord. passed 9-12-1966)