(A)   Except as permitted by state law, it is unlawful for any person to permit, allow, host, or fail to take reasonable steps to prevent an event or gathering at his or her place of residence or other private property, public place, any other premises under his or her control, or in any conveyance over which that person has control or a reasonable opportunity for control, where illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages have been consumed by an underage person, if such person either knows or reasonably should know that an underage person has consumed any illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages.
   (B)   A person who permits, allows, or hosts an event or gathering shall be deemed to have known or should have known that an underage person has consumed illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages if the person has not taken all reasonable steps to prevent the consumption of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages by underage persons.
   (C)   It is the duty of any person who permits, allows, or hosts an event or gathering at his or her place of residence or other private property, public place, any other premises under his or her control, or in any conveyance, where underage persons will be present, to take all reasonable steps to prevent the consumption of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages by any underage person at the event or gathering.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 6-13-2011)  Penalty, see § 134.99