(B) (1) Any person in violation of § 91.10 and failing to apply for a special permit as provided in this chapter shall be given a warning in writing. Said person shall be given five business days from the issuance of the written warning to submit the special permit fee and allow the inspection or inspections necessary for the Zoning Officer to issue or deny a permit. Failure to do so will result in a fine between $25 and $500.
(2) A fine of between $25 and $500 per calendar day will be issued for each day that any person continues to violate of § 91.10 after said person:
(a) Has been denied a special permit;
(b) Has his or her special permit revoked or suspended by the Zoning Officer; or
(c) Has failed to pay the special permit and consent to written inspection pursuant to division (B)(1) above within five business days after a written warning.
(1977 Code, § 6-4-10) (Ord. passed 3-13-1989; Ord. 08-02, passed 7-10-2008)