In order to offset certain charges which are necessary for servicing the debt load incurred by the village for the installation and maintenance of the village’s sewer system, there shall be two additional surcharges imposed.
   (A)   Annual percentage surcharge. There shall be a surcharge of 2% per annum imposed on the gross amount of the sewer/wastewater portion of each monthly billing statement for each residential and commercial user account, with said annual percentage surcharge to increase (compounded) by an additional 2% per annum with said annual increase to be collected beginning with August billing statement for each successive year thereafter; and
   (B)   Flat fee surcharge. There shall be an additional flat $10 fee surcharge imposed with respect to the sewer/waste water portion each monthly billing statement for each residential and commercial user account. Said flat fee surcharge shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Village Board of Trustees at their regular August meeting to determine if an adjustment of the flat fee surcharge shall be appropriate; however, failure to conduct such review shall not invalidate this flat fee surcharge, in which case the amount of said fee shall be in place until formal action is taken by the Board of Trustees to adjust same.
(Ord. 99-13, passed 8-9-1999)  (Ord. 13-02, passed 6-10-2013)