(A)   Reclassification. The zoning districts established under the prior zoning ordinance shall be reclassified as shown in the reclassification list associated with the official zoning map.
   (B)   Establishment of districts and overlay zones. 
      (1)   Districts, overlay zones. In order to carry out the purpose and intent of this ordinance, the unincorporated territory of the county is hereby divided into the following zoning districts and overlay zones:
         (a)   A-1 Agricultural Protection District;
         (b)   LR Limited Residential District (including setback);
         (c)   UE Urban Expansion District;
         (d)   VMX Village Mixed Use District;
         (e)   HC Highway Commercial District;
         (f)   I General Industrial District;
         (g)   HO Highway 14 Overlay District;
         (h)   SO Shoreland Overlay District;
         (i)   FO Floodplain Overlay District;
         (j)   AO Airport Overlay District; and
         (k)   AIC Agricultural Interpretive Center District.
      (2)   Boundaries and official zoning map. The boundaries of zoning districts and overlay zones are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map of the unincorporated area of the county which maps and notations and references and other matters shown thereon, shall be and are hereby made a part of this ordinance.
   (C)   Electronic map. The official zoning map may be in hard copy or electronic format or both as specified by a resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
      (1)   Where filed. The official zoning map shall be filed in the office of the County Planning and Zoning Department.
      (2)   Official signature. The official zoning map shall be identified by the written or electronic signature of the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, and attested by the County Auditor under the following words: “This is to certify that this is the “official zoning map” referred to in § 6.01(C) of the county zoning ordinance, adopted on July 21, 2009.”
      (3)   Map amendments. If, in accordance with the rezoning and map amendment provisions of § 3.03, changes are made in the district boundaries, the ordinance number and date of the change shall be recorded by the Zoning Administrator on the official zoning map.
      (4)   Replacement if destroyed. In the event that the official zoning map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret because of use, the Board of Commissioners may by resolution adopt a new official zoning map that shall supersede the prior official zoning map. The new official zoning map may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior official zoning map; provided, however, that any such adoption shall not have the effect of amending the original zoning ordinance or any subsequent amendment thereof.
      (5)   Effect of vacated railroads, streets, roads, alleys and highways. Whenever any railroad, street, road, alley or highway right-of-way is vacated by official action as provided by law, the zoning districts adjoining the sides of such public way shall be automatically extended to the center of the rights-of-way, and the right-of-way thus vacated shall henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended district or districts.
   (D)   Rules for interpretation of district boundaries. In cases where the exact location of the district boundary is not clear as shown on the official zoning map, the following rules shall be used in determining the location of the district boundary.
      (1)   Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streets, highways or alleys shall be construed to follow such centerlines.
      (2)   Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
      (3)   Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following city limits.
      (4)   Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the main tracks.
      (5)   Boundaries indicated as following shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines, and in the event of change in the shorelines shall be construed as moving with the actual shoreline. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such centerlines. If the centerline changes, the boundary shall be construed as moving with the centerline changes.
      (6)   Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in subsections (D)(1) through (D)(5) above shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the official zoning map shall be determined by the scale of the map.
      (7)   Where physical features existing on the ground differ from those shown on the official zoning map, or in other circumstances not covered by subsections (D)(1) through (D)(6) above, the Zoning Administrator shall interpret the district boundaries.
   (E)   New territory. All territory which may hereafter become a part of the unincorporated area of the county that is regulated by this ordinance, by the dissolution of any city or severance of any part of a city, shall automatically be classed as lying and being within the same zoning district as the adjacent unincorporated land. If more than one zoning district is adjacent to the new unincorporated area, the area shall automatically be classified as lying and being within the A-1 Agricultural Protection District until such classification shall have been changed by a rezoning and map amendment as provided for in § 3.03.
   (F)   Zoning districts dividing property/split zoning. Where one parcel of property is divided into two or more portions by reason of different zoning district classifications, each of these portions shall be used independently of the others in its respective zoning classification and for the determination of yard and density requirements.
(Ord. 97, passed 7-21-2009)