(A)   (1)   Owners of rental property must conduct a criminal history of every prospective tenant through the Waseca Police Department. The applicant shall pay an investigation fee as established by the City Council.
      (2)   Failure to conduct a criminal history of a prospective tenant as provided in this chapter shall be considered a violation of this chapter. The owner of the rental housing unit shall be subject to suspension or loss of rental license as determined by the City Council after hearing. The suspension or revocation may be for all units in a given building or complex of buildings. Notice of the intent to suspend a rental license shall be given by the city to the owner of the rental housing unit a minimum of ten days prior to a hearing to be held before the City Council.
   (B)   The owner of each rental housing unit shall make written application to the city for a license on a form to be supplied by the city and containing information as necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of and to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and the minimum standards of the Uniform Housing Code. The legal owner of record of the rental housing unit shall make written application to the city for a license as herein provided prior to any initial occupancy, and, prior to license renewal. Every applicant for a license shall assist the city in making the inspection of the premises. This includes notifying the occupants of the building of the time when the inspection will be conducted and requesting their cooperation in the inspection.
(`86 Code, § 4.93) (Am. Ord. 705, passed 10-7-97; Am. Ord. 803, passed 8-20-02; Am. Ord. 907, passed 8-2-06) Penalty, see § 116.99