    Any person engaged in the business of storing or towing motor vehicles in either a private capacity or for the city who has complied with the notification requirements of KRS 376.275 shall have a lien on the motor vehicle and its contents, except as set forth in KRS 376.275(2) for the applicable and reasonable charges assessed in accordance with state law, as long as it remains in his or her possession. If after a period of 45 days, the applicable and reasonable charges assessed in accordance with state law have not been paid, the motor vehicle and its contents, except as set forth in KRS 376.275(2), may be sold to pay the charges after the owner and any lienholder have been notified by certified mail at the addresses specified in state law, ten days prior to the time and place of the sale. If the proceeds of the sale of any vehicle pursuant to this section are insufficient to satisfy accrued charges, the sale and collection of proceeds shall not constitute a waiver or release of responsibility for payment of unpaid charges by the owner or responsible casualty insurer of the vehicle. This lien shall be subject to prior recorded liens, unless released by any existing lienholder pursuant to state law.
(KRS 376.275(1))