There is hereby established a Traffic Control Map to show at all times the City's current:
   (a)    Through streets;
   (b)    Stop intersections;
   (c)    Yield right of way intersections;
   (d)    One-way streets and alleys;
   (e)    Loading zones;
   (f)    Prohibited and limited parking areas;
   (g)    Angle parking areas;
   (h)    Parking meter zones;
   (i)    Prohibited and limited left and right turns;
   (j)    Fire lanes; and
   (k)    Prohibited "right or left turn on red" intersections.
   The Traffic Control Map shall be prepared and kept on file in the Police Department and it shall be maintained by the Police Department. A copy of the Traffic Control Map existing as of the date of passage of this Traffic Code, shall be attached to and is incorporated as a part of the Traffic Code.