The applicant shall submit a written application upon forms provided by the Building Department and shall include the following information:
   (a)   Name(s), address and phone number of the owner(s) of property.
   (b)   Name(s), address and phone number of the service provider.
   (c)   Name and phone number of occupants of property.
   (d)   Name, address and phone number of contractor or other person applying to erect the antenna.
   (e)   Plot plan of property showing:
      (1)   Exact location for the antenna.
      (2)   Location of all existing buildings and structures on property.
      (3)   Description of type of antennas proposed.
   (f)   Three complete sets of construction plans, specifications and elevations of the proposed location with sufficient details to show the method of assembly and construction with the complete name and address of the person who prepared the plans and specifications.
   (g)   Description and photographs showing three (3) sides of the type of proposed antenna.
      (Ord. 2021-105. Passed 6-15-21.)