(a)   If a permit authorizes demolition or authorizes construction of a new principal structure or substantial excavation, then the applicant shall cause a construction fence to be installed around the subject property. A project site that meets the following standards is required to install a construction fence which means a temporary chain link fence with fabric, or other screening material, six (6) feet in height, and of substantial construction capable of preventing persons from falling into such excavation or construction or otherwise being injured by virtue of such work.
   (b)   A construction fence is required where clearing, grading, demolition, stockpiling of soil, stockpiling of construction or landscaping materials is proposed on any property located in a U-3, U-4, U-5, U-6, U-7, U-7A or U-8 District. Said fence shall be installed on the front, side and rear lot lines prior to commencement of clearing, grading or demolition. Said fencing shall remain in place until a certificate of occupancy is issued for the structure.
   (c)   The location of the perimeter fencing may be changed during the construction period with approval of the Building Commissioner. "No Trespassing" signs shall be mounted on the fencing in conspicuous locations around the site.
(Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)