The following standards and requirements for the provision and development of off-street parking shall apply:
   (a)   Parking facilities in the U-8 District shall be planned and developed in such a manner so as not to interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties or with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on adjacent streets.
   (b)   All parking areas and driveways shall be concrete or approved asphalt with adequate drainage to prevent water from standing or draining across public walks or streets.
   (c)   Curbs or bumper guards shall be concrete, or material approved by the City Engineer.
   (d)   Parking shall be setback from streets and perimeter boundaries as specify in the approved development plan, however, in no event shall such parking setbacks be less than the following:
      (1)   Five (5) feet from any perimeter boundary of a U-8 District;
      (2)   Five (5) feet from any internal public right-of-way or access easement;
      (3)   Twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way line of Northfield Road.
   (e)   A parking space shall not be less than 180 square feet (9 x 20 feet).
   (f)   Parking shall be provided as follows:
Two spaces per unit enclosed, and an aggregate area of 1.25 unenclosed parking throughout the residential area of the U-8 District.
Single Family:
A minimum of two spaces per unit enclosed.
All Other Uses
In conformance with the provisions of Section 1161.05   
(Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)