Buildings and land in the Class U-8 District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered or intended for the following:
   (a)   Single Family Attached Dwellings;
   (b)   Multi-Family Dwellings;
   (c)   Vertically integrated mixed-use buildings provided that the ground floor shall be limited to retail or commercial uses and the upper floors may contain any mixture or arrangement of offices and/or multi-family dwellings;
   (d)   Retail stores, provided however, that no individual retail store or establishment shall exceed a maximum of 8,000 square feet.
   (e)   Restaurants and coffee shops;
   (f)   Brewpubs and microbreweries;
   (g)   Personal service establishments;
   (h)   Medical facilities including clinics, urgent care facilities, and similar health care providers;
   (i)   Religious and educational facilities;
   (j)   Libraries, museums community buildings, and art galleries;
   (k)   Professional, administrative, and medical offices;
   (l)   Conferencing, training, and seminar centers;
   (m)   Entertainment uses and performing arts facilities;
   (n)   Hotels;
   (o)   Banks and other financial institutions;
   (p)   Governmental offices and public utility offices;
   (q)   Recreational and wellness facilities.
   (r)   Outdoor plazas, recreational areas, parks, and common open spaces.
   (s)   Any accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses including, but not limited to, parking lots, parking structures, and signs.
   (t)   Other similar, harmonious and compatible uses as may be determined by the Planning Commission and approved by City Council may be permitted provided that they first obtain a Conditional Use Permit.
      (Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)