The U-8 City Hub District is established for the purpose of enabling the development of a phased, walkable, mixed-use district in and around the Northfield Road corridor. The mixed-use and planned development regulatory approach of the District is intended to provide a more flexible and innovative approach regarding use, density, access and connectivity, streetscape and landscape design, parking facilities, architectural and façade design, residential dwelling units, and dimensional standards than can be provided by traditional zoning techniques in order to establish a new walkable district, preserve and foster vibrant communal space and environmental protection areas while attracting a diverse range of retail, office, and commercial uses to support the community and a blend of new residential areas that vary in density and housing options. The U-8 City Hub District is intended to:
   (a)   Create a mixed-use environment to accommodate a combination of residential, retail, commercial, and office uses of varied densities to attract young professionals, empty nesters, and families to the area.
   (b)   Describe standards so that any new development is cohesive, contains thriving and inviting public spaces, and encourages walkability and sustainability.
   (c)   Regulate building orientation and placement to achieve appropriate scale and ensure proper transitioning between areas of differing use and density and/or to be mindful of the surrounding adjacent land uses.
   (d)   Encourage enhanced pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular connectivity throughout the area.
   (e)   Permit development consistent with the standards and requirements of an approved master development plan.
   (f)   Permit mixed-use vertically integrated buildings with ground floor commercial, office, and retail uses. Mixed-use buildings may have multi-family residential units and/or offices on the upper floors above ground level commercial, office and retail uses. (Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)