Each Site Development Plan submitted in a U-7 District shall conform to the following requirements. A Development Plan shall be prepared for all proposals for development in a U-7 District and submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. No building permit shall be issued for a new building alternation, or addition to an existing building within a U-7 District until the Planning Commission and City Council grant final site plan approval.
Unless exempted by the Planning Commission, Development Plans shall include:
(a) Preliminary Development Plan. Preliminary development plans shall be submitted in sufficient detail to permit an understanding of the style of the development, the design of the buildings and the number, size and type of dwelling units or commercial structures. Preliminary development plans shall include a survey of the property and topography, showing the land owned and proposed for development, the natural grade and approximate proposed finished grade; and a schematic site plan showing building placement, parking, traffic circulation and streets, existing utilities and primary front elevations of buildings.
(b) Final Development Plan. The Final Development Plan shall be a detailed site plan of the proposed development, or of a specific phase of the proposed development, which shall include the following components:
(1) Buildings. The location, size, height and use of all proposed main and accessory buildings and their general design, color and external building material.
(2) Streets. The proposed system of circulation of vehicular traffic, including delivery trucks; details for connections to present streets; type of pavement; and estimates of traffic volumes. Traffic studies will be required if the Planning Commission or the City Engineer so request.
(3) Utilities. The plans for all proposed utility installations and connections.
(4) Parking and traffic circulation plan. A layout and estimate of the number of spaces, design features and type of pavement, as well as a Parking and Traffic Circulation Plan. The Planning Commission may approve driveway curb cuts into the internal site roadway of the U-7 District upon application on an individual site plan basis. Such approval may be granted after a finding that a proposed curb cut is consistent with the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the traveling public and is consistent with the intent and purposes of this chapter.
(5) Landscape plan. Proposed designs of landscaping, planting areas, identification and location of principal trees and plants shall be submitted with the building plans.
(6) Lighting plan. All site lighting shall be low in scale and unobtrusive and without glare to persons in passing motor vehicles, other buildings, or pedestrians and designed to interfere as little as possible with surrounding development. The lighting plan shall include a photometric plan.
(8) Grading and drainage plan. Final grading and drainage arrangements, including storm water management provisions and drainage calculations.
(9) Tree preservation plan. Plan identifying trees and vegetation to be preserved.
(Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)