Buildings and land in the Class U-7 Planned Commercial Development District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered or intended for the following:
   (a)   Retail stores selling commodities at retail conducted wholly within enclosed buildings devoted to supplying new products for community needs, including, but not limited to groceries, drugs, hardware, wearing apparel, furniture, appliances, home goods, floor coverings, flowers, jewelry, electronics, and gifts, provided however, that no single retail establishment shall exceed a maximum of 50,000 square feet;
   (b)   Restaurants;
   (c)   Services conducted wholly within enclosed buildings, including but not limited to barbers, beauty shops, nail salons, dry cleaning, laundries, tailor shops, and appliance repair;
   (d)   Banks and other financial institutions;
   (e)   Hotels;
   (f)   Entertainment establishments, including cinemas, provided however, that no such establishment shall exceed a maximum of 75,000 square feet;
   (g)   Hospitals, medical clinics, and related health care providers;
   (h)   Public and private schools, universities, colleges, professional schools, vocational schools, and related educational facilities;
   (i)   Libraries, museums and art galleries;
   (j)   Business services;
   (k)   Printing, publishing, engraving, coping, blueprinting and reproduction services;
   (l)   Professional, administrative, and medical offices;
   (m)   Nonprofit educational and scientific research agencies;
   (n)   Governmental offices and public utility offices;
   (o)   Athletic facilities, fitness centers, and health spas;
   (p)   Other similar, harmonious and compatible uses as may be determined by the Planning Commission and approved by City Council; and
   (q)   Any accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses are permitted on the same premises subject to the approval of the Planning Commission, which approval shall be confirmed by resolution of Council before becoming effective.
      (Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)