Buildings and land in a Class U-5 Special Commercial and Institutional District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, created, altered or intended only for the uses specifically designated herein:
   Hospitals, medical clinics, and related health care providers;
   (a)   Public and private schools, universities, colleges, professional schools, vocational schools, and related educational facilities;
   (b)   Libraries, museums and art galleries;
   (c)   Professional, administrative, and medical offices;
   (d)   Conferencing, training, and seminar centers;
   (e)   Performing arts facilities;
   (f)   Corporate retreats;
   (g)   Banks and other financial institutions;
   (h)   Research, development and testing laboratories;
   (i)   Nonprofit educational and scientific research agencies;
   (j)   Governmental offices and public utility offices; and
   (k)   Recreational and wellness facilities.
      (Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)