(a)   The Arson Investigator’s duties and responsibilities shall be vested in the position of Fire Chief or his/her designee and shall be a full-time member of the Fire Department.
   (b)   The Arson Investigator shall perform all of the duties and requirements as established by the Ohio R.C. 737.27: To be present at all fires; investigate the cause thereof; examine witnesses; compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers; and to perform all other acts necessary to the discharge of such duties.
   (c)   The Arson Investigator may administer oaths, make arrests and enter, for the purpose of examination, any building which, in his opinion, is in danger from fire. The Investigator shall report his proceedings to the Fire Chief at such times as required.
(Ord. 2004-031. Passed 3-16-04.)