The Fire Chief shall devote his full time to the duties of such office. He shall be on active duty in performance of the duties of his office not less than eight hours per day for not less than five days in each and every calendar week, and shall remain on call for the performance of the duties of his office on a twenty-four hour per day basis.
   During any period of absence or inability of the Chief while on vacation or for any other reason, the highest ranking officer of the Department below the office of Chief shall exercise the authority of the Chief as Acting Fire Chief.
   The Chief shall have such authority as is necessary for the efficient discharge of the duties of the Department. The Chief’s authority shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   (a)   Such authority as is granted by law.
   (b)   The duty and authority to promulgate such regulations for the conduct of the Department and the promotion of firemen as he deems necessary.
   (c)   The duty to enforce adherence to the regulations of the Department and such discipline as is necessary and proper for the proper and efficient conduct of the Department.
   (d)   The authority to direct the response of the Department to fire calls in such other subdivisions as have agreements with this Municipality for such service; provided that such response can be made without unnecessarily jeopardizing the welfare of this Municipality.
   (e)   Such police power as is necessary to the proper execution of the duties of the Department.
   (f)   The authority to call for aid from other subdivisions when the welfare of the Municipality requires such action.
   (g)   Authority, in cases of emergency, to deputize as firemen such persons as are necessary to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of this Municipality. Such persons so designated shall be firemen for the duration of such emergency.
   (h)   Extinguishing all fires with the least possible damage to life and property and prevention of unnecessary damage by water.
   (i)   He shall make official report of his action and the action of the officers and members under his command as may be provided by law or the rules of the Department.
   (j)    He shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to demolish buildings and parts of buildings which, in his judgment, may cause further damage to life or property or which, in his judgment, it may be necessary to demolish to prevent the spread of fire.
   (k)    He shall, in writing, submit the resignation of any member of the Department, or notice thereof, and transmit all reports and communications of the Department, with his endorsement, to the Mayor as the nature of same may be required by law or the rules of the Department.
   (l)    He may suspend from duty any person of the Department for any of the following causes:
       (1)    For intoxication while on duty or while in uniform.
       (2)    For the use of intoxicating liquor to excess.
       (3)    For being engaged directly or indirectly as a vendor of intoxicating liquor.
       (4)    For willful disobedience of any order lawfully issued to him by a superior officer in the Department.
      (5)    For incompetency to perform the duties of his office.
      (6)    For conviction of any felony or misdemeanor against the laws of the United States or the laws of the State of Ohio, or for conviction of violating any lawful ordinance of the Municipality.
      (7)    For willfully or continually violating any of the rules or regulations of the Department.
      (8)    For habitually contracting debts which he is unable or unwilling to pay, or for refusing to discharge his lawful obligations.
Every suspension shall be immediately reported to the Director of Public Safety and the Chief shall appear before such officials whenever requested for the purpose of prosecuting or assisting in the prosecution of any person suspended by him.
   (m)    The Chief may reprimand or deprive of vacation days or days off any member of the classified division for the following causes:
      (1)    For intoxication while not on duty.
      (2)    For indecent or profane language while on duty or in uniform.
       (3)    For disrespect to a superior officer in the Department.
      (4)    For any neglect of duty.
      (5)    For absence without leave.
      (6)    For conduct unbecoming a fireman, officer or gentleman.
      (7)    For neglecting to report his change of residence to the officer in charge of his company.
      (8)    For any violation of any rule or regulation of the Department.
   (n)    He shall upon all occasions see that the laws of the State and ordinances of the Municipality applicable to the Fire Department are faithfully observed. He shall promulgate and enforce all orders of the Director of Public Safety and the Chairman of the Safety Committee of Council. He shall have the right to issue general, special or verbal orders wherever he may deem it necessary.
      (Ord. 1979-4. Passed 1-2-79.)