(a)   This regulation shall apply to any site being developed or redeveloped, either wholly or partially, for any project involving highways, roads, subdivisions or larger common plans of development, industrial, commercial, institutional, or residential projects, building activities on farms; redevelopment activities; grading; and all other uses that are not specifically exempted in this chapter.
   (b)   This regulation requires that a Stormwater Management Plan and a Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan be developed and implemented for all regulated activities except those which are specifically exempted from doing so herein.
   (c)   The following are exempt from submitting a Stormwater Management Plan and a Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan:
      (1)   Sites in which the disturbed area is less than one acre and are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale disturbing one acre or more.
      (2)   Sites from which runoff is controlled by a regional stormwater facility in place at the time of development and adequately sized to serve the development area which has been previously approved by the City Engineer.
      (3)   Linear construction projects, such as pipeline or utility line installation that does not result in the installation of impervious surface. However, linear construction projects must be designed to minimize the number of stream crossings and the width of disturbance.
   (d)   Regulated activities which are exempt from developing and implementing a Stormwater Management Plan are still required to follow all City, State and Federal regulations relating to wetlands, floodplains, riparian setbacks and waterways.
   (e)   The City of Warrensville Heights shall administer this regulation, shall be responsible for determination of compliance with this regulation, and shall issue notices and orders as may be necessary. The City of Warrensville Heights may consult with private engineers, Ohio EPA, stormwater districts, or other technical experts in reviewing the Stormwater Management Plan.
(Ord. 2007-141. Passed 9-18-07.)