New construction and other similar types of construction, as determined by the City of Warrensville Heights, shall be required by the Building Department to obtain a foundation permit and a building permit. The permits shall be:
   (a)   The foundation permit, which shall allow the excavation and construction of the footers and basement walls or slab. No additional construction shall be performed and no additional building materials shall be allowed on the site until the Building Department has issued the building permit.
   (b)   The building permit, which shall allow delivery of the remaining building materials and the remaining construction activities, shall not be issued until the Building Department approves footer and foundation inspections performed by the Building Department and Engineering Department. Prior to issuance of the Building Permit, the Engineering Department must approve the rough grading and certify that the required Storm Water BMPs and any other BMPs identified in the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan submitted with the application for the first building permit have been properly installed, pursuant to the most recent edition of the City Stormwater Design Guide.
      (Ord. 2021-104. Passed 6-15-21.)