SECTION VI-5. PUBLIC BIDDING. (Amended 11-8-05)
      (a)   Bidding Required. Each net expenditure of more than twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) shall be made to the lowest and/or best bidder after public advertising in a manner prescribed by the Council. Council shall not be required to accept any bid.
   (b)   Waiver of Requirement. The Council, by majority vote of the members elected to Council, may authorize expenditures exceeding twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) without public advertising in the following specific cases: acquisition of real estate; discharge of non- contractual claims against the Municipality; for personal services; for joint use of facilities with other political subdivisions; for the products or services of public utilities; and in such emergency situations (i) where the goods or services are needed to correct or prevent an emergency health, environmental or safety hazard, (ii) for special or time sensitive events and/or (iii) for emergency repair or replacement of existing equipment essential for daily operations. (Amended 11-8-05; 11-3-20)