(a)   Absence. When the Mayor is temporarily unable to perform his duties, the President of Council shall act as the Mayor with the same powers and duties as the Mayor and shall continue as Councilperson with all the powers and duties as Councilperson.
   (b)   Vacancy. In case of death, disqualifiaton, removal from office or resignation of the Mayor, the President of Council shall become the Mayor for the unexpired term of Mayor. It will then become the duty of Council to select a new Councilperson and President of Council as provided for in Article IV(d). However, if the unexpired term is for more than fifteen (15) months, such office shall be filled by a vote of the people at an election for Mayor. Such election shall be held on the first Tuesday after one hundred twenty (120) days from the day on which the vacancy first occurs; however, if a previously scheduled May or November election is no less than one hundred twenty (120) days from the day on which the vacancy first occurs, such election shall be held in conjunction with such May or November election. (Amended 11-3-15.)