(a)    Attendance of Council Meetings. The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of all Council meetings and shall sit with that body, with the right to introduce ordinances, resolutions and motions and discuss all matters coming before Council. His presence shall not be counted in determining whether a quorum is present in Council nor shall he have a vote in Council under any circumstances. The Mayor may require whatever department heads or other officials he has appointed to attend Council meetings and provide advice and opinions as may be requested by the Mayor or Council.
   (b)    Execution of Documents. The Mayor shall sign, on behalf of the Municipality, all contracts, conveyances, evidences of indebtedness and all other instruments to which the Municipality is a party.
   (c)   Veto. (Amended 11-3-70) If the Mayor approves any ordinance or resolution, he shall approve it within ten (10) days after its passage or adoption by the Council. The Mayor may veto any ordinance or resolution passed by Council. The Mayor may approve or disapprove the whole or any item or part of any ordinance or resolution appropriating money, but otherwise his approval or disapproval shall be addressed to the entire ordinance or resolution. In case of a veto, the matter shall be returned to Council with a statement in writing by the Mayor of his objections, which shall be entered into the official journal at the next regular meeting following the veto. Council shall reconsider such ordinance or resolution not later than at its next regular meeting following the meeting wherein the objections are entered into the official journal. Council may override the Mayor’s veto by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members elected to Council, and upon receiving such affirmative vote, it shall then take effect as if it had received the signature of the Mayor. If any ordinance or resolution shall not be signed or vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10) days after passage, it shall become effective as if he had signed it on the last day of said ten-day period.
   (d)   Administrative Duties. The Mayor shall be the chief conservator of the peace within the Municipality. He shall see that all laws, ordinances and resolutions are faithfully obeyed and enforced. He shall have the power to appoint, promote, transfer, reduce, or remove any officer or employee to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by any provision of this Charter or the laws of the State of Ohio where it is beyond the scope of this Charter to provide.
   (e)   Enforcement of Contracts. The Mayor shall see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Municipality or its residents in any franchise or contract to which this Municipality is a party are faithfully kept and performed.
   (f)   Reports. Reports and advice of the Director of Finance, or any other appointed official, as provided elsewhere in this Charter, shall be submitted first to the Mayor for his written approval.
   (g)   Ceremonial Duties. The Mayor shall be recognized as the official and ceremonial head of government by the Governor for military purposes and by the courts for the purpose of serving civil processes.