Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
BC Ord. -
Agreement for the transfer of jurisdiction of various roads in the county from the local highway system to the state highway system
BC Res. 1986-2
Interlocal cooperation agreement between the Town of Newburgh and the county, regarding allowing the Sheriff to act as dispatcher for the Newburgh Police Department and Newburgh police officers to act in a law enforcement capacity for the Sheriff outside the corporate boundary of the town
BC Res. 1988-6
Joint resolution with Town of Lynnville designating the county as the single agency to administer building rules and inspections within the boundaries of the town
BC Res. 1988-7
Joint resolution with Town of Tennyson designating the county as the single agency to administer building rules and inspections within the boundaries of the town
BC Res. 1988-9
Interlocal cooperation agreement between the City of Boonville and the county, regarding allowing the Sheriff to act as dispatcher for the Boonville Police Department and Boonville police officers to act in a law enforcement capacity for the Sheriff in those areas located within one mile of the corporate limits of the city, which area is outside the corporate limits of the city
BC Res. 1989-12
Approving the Articles of Agreement and joining in the forming of an organization to be known and designated as the Evansville Urban Transportation Study
BC Res. 1990-4
Joint resolution with City of Boonville designating the county as the single agency to administer building rules and inspections within the boundaries of the city
BC Res. 1990-8
Joint resolution with Town of Elberfeld designating the county as the single agency to administer building rules and inspections within the boundaries of the town
BC Res. 1991-06
Concurrence with a proposal to change portions of certain roadways in the county within the federal aid system
BC Res. 1992-13
Interlocal cooperation agreement between the Town of Tennyson and the county, regarding allowing the Sheriff to act as dispatcher for the Tennyson Town Marshal and Tennyson Town Marshal to act in a law enforcement capacity for the Sheriff in those areas located within one mile of the corporate limits of the town, which area is outside the corporate limits of the town
BC Ord. 1992-17
Authorizing execution of an interlocal cooperation agreement (Town of Tennyson)
BC Res. 1998-6
Approving an interlocal cooperation agreement with the town of Tennyson
BC Res. 1998-9
Joint resolution with Ohio Township Trustee establishing a common and unified plan of group insurance for the employees of Warrick County
BC Res. 1998-14
Approving and ratifying interlocal agreement between Warrick County Commissioners and the City of Boonville
BC Res. 1998-18
Authorizing a joint city/county traffic feasibility study leading to a Boonville bypass proposal
CC Res. 1999-03
Approving the formation of a sewer district in Pigeon Township
BC Res. 1999-9
Authorizing local match commitment for the Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Project
BC Res. 1999-10 and CC Res. 1999-9
Enabling the county to participate in the TEA-21 Grant application process as one of the eight lead counties seeking federal funding for transportation improvement studies
BC Res. 2000-4
Authorizing execution and delivery of master equipment lease/purchase agreement and related instruments by and between the county and Old National Bank
BC Res. 2001-06
Approving the Southwest Indiana 2000 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and supporting the creation of the Southwest Indiana Economic Development District
BC Res. 2002-07
Authorizing an agreement for potholing request at Lockwood Lane and Epworth Road in the Town of Newburgh
BC Res. 2004-04
Authorizing a master equipment lease/purchase agreement
BC Res. 2004-06
Approving an amendment to Evansville Urban Transportation Study (EUTS) Articles of Agreement
BC Ord. 2004-13
Approving an interlocal agreement with the Town of Newburgh regarding the Newburgh Master Lift Station Project
BC Res. 2005-06
Approving the interlocal agreement with Vanderburgh County, Indiana regarding the construction of Lynch Road
CC Res. 2005-02
Approving an interlocal agreement between Warrick County, Indiana and Vanderburgh County, Indiana regarding the financing and construction of the extension of Lynch Road
CC Res. 2006-08
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement between Warrick County and Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company
BC Res. 2009-13
Approving and adopting a memorandum of agreement transferring jurisdiction of a roadway between Warrick County and the Town of Newburgh
CC Ord. 2015-02
Authorizing the creation of a Regional Development Authority with Gibson, Posey, and Vanderburgh Counties
BC Res. 2017-13
Waiving recoupment rights related to the Newburgh Master Lift Station Project and its interlocal agreement
Res. 2018-10
Authorizing resolution pursuant to an agreement between the government and Deere & Company dated January 30, 2018 by entering into an installment purchase agreement with Old National Bank to assist in the funding of the government’s strategic plan
BC Res. 2018-12
Approving guaranteed energy savings contract for renovation of the historic old courthouse
BC Res. 2019-03
Approving an interlocal agreement between the Warrick County Economic Development Department and the Warrick County Department of Parks and Recreation for the design, bidding, construction, funding, operation, management, and maintenance of the Friedman Park Events Center
BC Res. 2019-04
Approving an interlocal agreement between the county and Gibson County for the transfer and housing of Indiana Department of Corrections ineligible inmates according to Indiana law
BC Res. 2019-08
Approving an installment purchase agreement of three dump trucks for the Warrick County Highway Department
BC Res. 2021-06
Approving an interlocal agreement between Warrick County and the Warrick County Solid Waste Management District.
BC Res. 2024-04   
Authorizing the assignment to the Indiana Building Corporation (as lessor to issue lease rental revenue bonds) of the CMC contract with Garmong Construction Services to pay for its provision of a construction manager for the construction and equipping of a new Sheriff’s Office and Security Facility
BC Res. 2024-07
Authorizing the county to enter into a lease-purchase agreement with the Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation to purchase, acquire and lease personal property