The office of Deputy City Treasurer is hereby created. The Director of Finance will serve as the Deputy City Treasurer unless another person is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The Deputy City Treasurer shall have the following responsibilities:
   A.   To perform duties as assigned by the City Treasurer, subject to the supervision and direction of the City Treasurer; and
   B.   To perform the duties of the City Treasurer in the event of the City Treasurer's absence or inability to perform such duties at any time. When performing duties pursuant to this subsection 1-6-10(B), the Deputy Treasurer shall have all the powers and authority granted by state statute or this code to the Treasurer.
The compensation to be paid to the Deputy City Treasurer shall be determined by the City Council. (Ord. 2918, 4-6-2015; amd. Ord. O2021-18, 5-17-2021)