(A)   All existing food service establishments shall have grease-handling facilities, approved by the county. Food service establishments without any grease-handling facilities will be given a compliance deadline not to exceed six months from date of notification to have approved and installed grease-handling equipment in compliance with this standard. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of the county sewer use ordinance and may subject the facility to penalties and corrective actions. Said installations shall meet the same requirements for design as for new facilities. (See § 112.11).
   (B)   In the event an existing food service establishment’s grease-handling facilities are either under-designed or substandard in accordance with this policy, the owner(s) will be notified in writing of the deficiencies and requirements improvements, and given a compliance deadline not to exceed six months to conform with the requirements of this grease standard.
   (C)   For cases in which “outdoor” type grease interceptors are infeasible to install, existing food service establishments will be required to install adequate and approved “under-the-counter” grease traps for use on individual fixtures including dishwashers, sinks, and other potentially grease-containing drains.
   (D)   Sizing of “under-the-counter” grease trap units will be in accordance with recommended ratings for commercial grease traps set forth in this chapter. The grease retention capacity rating in pounds shall be at least two times the GPM flow rate of the type fixture which it serves. Flow control fittings must be provided to the inlet side of a “under-the-counter” units to prevent overloading of the grease trap and to allow for proper operation.
   (E)   County approval of flow control devices and grease trap design must be obtained prior to installation.
   (F)   The location of “under-the-counter” units must be near the source of the wastewater as physically possible.
   (G)   Wastewater from garbage grinders should not be discharged to grease traps/interceptors.
   (H)   In maintaining grease traps/interceptors, the owner(s) shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal by appropriate means of the captured material and shall maintain records of the dates and means of disposal which are subject to review by the county. (See § 112.06).
   (I)   The exclusive use of enzymes, grease solvents, emulsifiers, and the like is not considered acceptable grease trap maintenance practice.
(Ord. passed 5-6-2002)