105.04 THIRD WARD.
   The Third Ward shall contain all that territory bounded and described as follows:
   Beginning at a point where the centerline of East Market Street intersects the centerline of Laird Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Laird Avenue, N.E. to a point in the centerline of Woodland Street, N.E.; thence westerly along the centerline of Woodland Street, N.E. to a point in the centerline of Elm Road, N.E.; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Elm Road, N.E. to a point where the centerline of Clermont Avenue, N.E. if extended southerly would intersect; thence northerly along the extended centerline and the centerline of Clermont Avenue, N.E. and its extension to a point in the north right-of-way line of Yale Street, N.E.; thence easterly along the corporation line to a point; thence southerly along the corporation line a distance of about 289 feet to a point; thence easterly along the corporation line a distance of about 460 feet to a point; thence northerly along the corporation line a distance of about 289 feet to a point in the common section line of Sections 10 and 11 of the original survey of Howland Township; thence easterly along the corporation line and the section line, a distance of about 1,257 feet to a point in the common section line of Sections 11 and 12 of the original survey of Howland Township; thence southerly along the corporation line and the section line to a point in the centerline of Elm Road, N.E.; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Elm Road, N.E. and following its various courses to a point in the centerline of Elm Road, N.E. such point being in the south line of a fifty-three acre parcel of land annexed to the City by Ordinance 7774/74, dated January 28, 1974; thence westerly, southerly, westerly and northerly following the 1974 corporation line to a point in the southwest corner of a 1.8 acre parcel of land annexed to the City by Ordinance 8096/74, dated October 22, 1974; thence northerly and easterly along the October 22, 1974 corporation line to a point in the southwest corner of a 1.572 acre parcel of land annexed to the City by Ordinance 8914/80, dated June 2, 1980; thence northerly and easterly along the January 28, 1974 corporation line and following its various courses to a point in the centerline of North River Road, such point being the northwesterlymost corner in the January 28, 1974 corporation line; thence easterly along the January 28, 1974 corporation line and following its various courses to a point in the centerline of North Road, N.E.; thence southerly along the corporation line and the centerline of North Road, N.E. to a point; thence westerly following the corporation line along its various courses to a point in the centerline of Gretchen Drive, N.E.; thence easterly and southerly along the corporation line and following its various courses to a point in the centerline of North Road, N.E.; thence southerly along the centerline of North Road, N.E. to a point in the 1976 corporation line as established by Ordinance 8316/76, dated May 10, 1976; thence easterly, northerly and easterly along the 1976 corporation line to a point in the centerline of Mosquito Creek; thence southerly along the centerline of Mosquito Creek and the 1976 corporation line to a point in the southeast corner of the 1976 corporation line; thence westerly along the 1976 corporation line to a point in the centerline of North Road, N.E.; thence northerly along the centerline of North Road, N.E. and the 1976 corporation line to a point common to Sections 9 and 12 of the original survey of Howland Township; thence westerly along the section line and the corporation line of the City to a point being the northwest corner of Atlantic Heights No. 2 Plat; thence southerly along the west line of the plat and the corporation line to a point in the north line of Atlantic Street, N.E.; thence easterly along the north street line and the corporation line to a point in the centerline of North Road, N.E.; thence southerly along the centerline of North Road, N.E. and the corporation line following its various courses to a point in the 1976 corporation line of the City, as established by Ordinance 8308/76, dated April 12, 1976; thence easterly, northerly and easterly following the 1976 corporation line, to a point in the west line of a 203.92 acre parcel of land annexed to the City by Ordinance 9058/81, dated June 11, 1981; thence northerly and easterly but following the 1981 corporation line along its various courses to a point in the centerline of Mosquito Creek; thence easterly, northerly and easterly along the 1981 corporation line to the northeasterlymost corner of the 203.92 acre parcel; thence southerly along the 1981 corporation line and following its various courses, to a point in the centerline of East Market Street; thence westerly along the centerline of East Market Street to a point in the centerline of Laird Avenue, which is the true place of beginning.
(Ord. 10328/91. Passed 12-11-91.)