(a)    Commercial/Manufacturing Authorized Signs: Permit Required. The following signs shall be permitted in compliance with the provisions of this Section and subsequent to obtaining a sign permit.
      (1)   Permanent Signs.
         A.   Building Mounted Sign. One (1) building mounted sign is permitted for each space occupied by a business within a building. The total area of a building mounted sign shall not exceed one-and-one-half (1.5) square feet per one (1) lineal foot of the front building wall enclosing space occupied by the business.
         B.   Additional Building Mounted Sign. On a building located on a corner lot, one (1) building mounted sign, in addition to the building mounted sign provided above, may be installed on that wall which most nearly parallels the right of way of the side street. The area of the additional sign shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the sign area permitted on the front wall.
         C.   Freestanding Sign. One freestanding permanent sign shall be permitted per lot conforming to the standards listed in the table below:
Lot Frontage
Sign Face
Per Side
(Sq. Ft.)
Commercial and Manufacturing
Low Profile Signs
Pole Mounted
1 Business
2-6 Businesses
7-10 Businesses
NOTE: For Low Profile Signs, lowest part of Sign Face must be installed not more than two (2) feet above grade.
         D.   Industrial Subdivision Entry Sign. For the purposes of promoting public way finding and safety, one (1) subdivision entry sign may be located at or near a public or private road entrance to a platted industrial subdivision. The sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height and shall be setback at least ten (10) feet from the right-of-way. Illumination is permitted by means of external lamps.
         E.   Outdoor Advertising Signs, also known as off-premises signs or billboards, shall be permitted in conformance with the following regulations:
            i.   All outdoor advertising signs shall comply with the construction standards for a permanent sign and shall require a permit. Outdoor Advertising shall not be permitted as a temporary sign.
            ii.   On a lot in a Commercial or Manufacturing District, outdoor advertising signs shall comply with the following:
               •   An outdoor advertising sign shall be deemed a structure and shall require a building permit before being erected, constructed, or replaced.
               •   An outdoor advertising sign shall not be permitted on a lot where a permanent freestanding sign is already located, provided that an off-site message may be expressed on the existing freestanding sign.
               •   No outdoor advertising sign shall be placed nearer to any street or road than the minimum setback building line.
               •   No outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 100 feet of any intersection unless affixed to a building.
      (2)   Temporary Signs.
         A.   One (1) temporary sign is permitted per lot during the time when either a building or building addition is under construction or when a vacant interior space is under construction for an anticipated tenant. The sign face shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. If no permanent freestanding sign is present on the lot, the temporary sign may be freestanding, with maximum height of eight (8) feet and set backs at least fifteen (15) feet from the public right-of-way and ten (10) feet from all other property lines. If a permanent freestanding sign is present on the lot, the temporary sign shall be a wall sign.
         B.   One (1) temporary sign during two (2) periods of time in one (1) calendar year, each period of time not exceeding fifteen (15) days. One sign is permitted per lot and shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet in area, and shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height and shall be setback fifteen (15) feet from the street right-of-way. These signs shall not have affixed an axle, wheels or tongue, and shall not have any lighting device.
         C.   One banner is permitted for a period of thirty (30) days and shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet in area. Said banner shall advertise only products sold on the premises upon which the sign is located. The banner must be firmly affixed to the building.
            (Ord. 12470/13. Passed 5-22-13.)